Author name: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Story writer, tale-teller, addicted to chocolate and Irish Breakfast tea. And books, of course.

I’m at Tina Donahue’s Today.

The blog tour for my new erotic urban fantasy romance, Blood Knot, kicks off today.  I’m guest blogging at romance author Tina Donahue’s place, where I’ll be talking about luxury air travel, and coincidentally giving away a copy of Kiss Across Swords to a visitor…which could be you if you stop in and say hi! As […]

I’m at Tina Donahue’s Today. Read More »

I’m Back! And Boy Do I Have News!

I think the title probably says a mouthful all by itself, so I’ll roll right over to the good stuff. 🙂 I have to finish this post then go rebuild my site to accommodate the blog once more.  Which pleases me no end, because I have so missed blogging it’s not funny. And there’s so

I’m Back! And Boy Do I Have News! Read More »

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