Weekly Update: New Boxed Set, Discord, and join my Street Team

If you’re reading this post as an email and the formatting is weird, try the blog post instead.

In today’s update:

I’m Aiming for Less Emails

In a further attempt to reduce emails, I’m also going to go back to grouping news items together once a week.

The prevailing wisdom for many years has been that sending an email/posting a blog with multiple items in it (like a traditional newsletter) was wasted because we readers don’t pay any attention to items beyond the first one. Therefore, the wisdom decreed, authors must send multiple emails with just one message per email.

And I’ve been following that wisdom for years.

But I’ve had a lot of emails from readers lately (especially after announcing I was going on a BookFunnel Promo vacation) about just how many emails you get, in general, from all the author email lists you’re on.

It’s scary.

So I’m trying to reduce my contribution to your inbox overwhelm.

But that means my emails and posts will be a bit longer, in future, because I’ll be cramming in news and announcements. You’ll have to make sure you read all the way to the bottom, or you might miss something good!

Scandalous Scions Four now out for preorder everywhere

The last Scandalous Scions boxed set is now available for pre-order. This is the historical romance series for which the first in the series, Soul of Sin, recently made #2 in the overall Romance category on Amazon, which is amazing for an “old” book. 🙂

It shows that there’s still a great many readers out there who haven’t heard of me or my books.

The final four novels in the beloved historical romance series in one set.

The historical romance series, Scandalous Scions, brings together the members of three great families, to love and play under the gaze of the Victorian era’s moralistic, straight-laced society.

Ashes of Pride
Married in haste, to the wrong man…

Risk of Ruin
Now she belongs to another, he realizes too late that he wants her.

Year of Folly
All Emma wants is to belong…

Queen of Hearts
In America, she met an Indian called River.

You can pre-order the book from me, on Stories Rule Press, or from your preferred retailer.

Scandalous Scions Four will be released on May 23rd.

I’m opening my Discord server once more.

I’ve honestly had enough of Facebook. There are numerous reasons why the network irritates me, and many of them affect you directly. In particular, Facebook will refuse to deliver my updates to your newsfeed even if you’ve subscribed and indicated that you want to see them.

I have to pay to reach more readers with my Facebook updates, and even after paying, Facebook will not deliver to everyone who follows me.

In addition, in groups and normal posts, comments get buried. Facebook decides what you and I “should” see and everything else disappears. You have to go through three clicks and drop downs to see everyone’s comments.

Then, if you leave a comment for me, I must use the “business” dashboard to even see it. The business dashboard is confusing, counter-intuitive, and also hides reader comments. I recently found a comment that was over a year old that I had completely missed!

So, I’m opening up my Discord server once more. It sort of fell into disuse a couple of years ago, but I’ve brushed off the dust and I’m encouraging everyone to subscribe to the server, instead of Facebook. I’ll leave the Facebook group and pages up, but bear in mind that even if you’re a member of the group and/or subscribed to the page, you may still not see my updates there.

But in Discord you get notified if there’s new posts. You can see *everything* without having to click mystery menus. You can even mute channels that are of no interest to you. And Discord is free.

And so far, Discord has zero advertising, which is worth the ticket price alone.

Join my Discord channel

Join my Crossroads Magic Street Team!

The best for last.

I’m opening a general call for street team members for the retail launch of Crossroads Magic on March 21. This will be a three week long team party with swag and prizes…and of course, a chance to read the book (plus, review it).

If you’re interested, fill in the Google Form you’ll find here.

And if you know of any readers who would also be a good fit for the Team, give them the link to the form, too. Here’s the link is open format: https://forms.gle/A8VUeSKLVLYiZpt48.


That’s it for this week. (I hope!)

Latest releases:
Grace of Lancelot
Christmas Romance Digest 2024: Love in Other Worlds

Upcoming Releases:
Captain Santiago and the Sky Dome Waitress

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