Working Notes – November 19, 2012

One of the great things about indie publishing is the complete and utter flexibility it gives you.

In other words, a girl can change her mind.  That may sound fickle, but I’ve changed my mind for some very sound reasons that you’ll like, too.

How did I change my mind?  Here’s what’s happened:

I’ve temporarily parked the writing of Romani Armada for a few weeks.

In the meantime, I’m going to concentrate on re-releasing some books and series that have been sitting around on my hard-drive, untended and bothering my conscience.

Every time I looked at them sitting there growing weeds, unavailable and unloved, I itched.  I kept going over my publishing schedule and counting up how long it was going to take before I would get them out there…

…and suddenly realized I was spending way too much mental juice on these books, when I should be spending all my creative calories on new books and series.

So I’m going to get these re-releases out the door and finally available once more.  As usual, they will be re-edited, tweaked, sometimes expanded and old material re-included, etc; repackaged and print editions issued.

Here’s the culprits:

Chronicles of the Lost Years

Chronicles was first marketed as a Sherlock Holmes mystery, which upset a lot of rabid Sherlock Holmes fans, as it wasn’t really a mystery at all.  It is, in fact, a very restrained romantic suspense, narrated by John Watson, who explains away the missing three years of Sherlock Holmes’ life, the so called “Great Hiatus” when Sherlock Holmes fell into the Reichenbach Falls with Moriarty and was assumed dead, then abruptly appeared three years later in “The Adventure Of The Empty Room”, to John Watson’s amazement.

There have been many, many fictional explanations for those missing years.  This version is mine…and it is a romantic one, which — as I’ve mentioned — doesn’t always sit well with many staunch Sherlockians.

I was a committee member of the Sherlock Holmes Society in Western Australia, and Holmes is a hobby of mine.  I was a fan long before Robert Downey Jnr. and Benedict Cumberbatch came along.  If you’re curious, there’s a photo of me in late Victorian gear here.

I’ll be releasingChroniclesin ebook and paperback.

The Case of the Reluctant Agent

The Case Of The Reluctant Agent is the sequel to Chronicles.  It, too, was marketed as a mystery, which put it somewhat in the wrong genre.  If anything, it is more of a war/espionage suspense thriller, although it is very much a character study, too.  Unfortunately, the week the book was first released was the week of a national Canadian postal strike and the book never made it out of the printers’, and it died a silent death.

I will be resurrecting it with quiet pleasure for romantics and Holmes fans alike will enjoy it.

Out in ebook and paperback.

Dare to Return

The next in the Go Get “em Women series, Dare To Return will be extensively edited to bring it up to date, repackaged with a title change to suit the series, and reissued.

I hate to lose the current cover — it’s a beauty — but I’m looking forward to seeing what Dar Albert comes up with this time around.  Dar did the original CP cover, too.  It was one of the covers that brought Dar to my attention.

Terror Stash

Terror Stash is actually written, and has been for years.  I’ve just never got it published…yet.  That’s about to change.  It’s part of the Romantic Suspense series, now — a big romantic thriller set in Western Australia.  I want to get it out the door and stop it burning a hole in my brain.  I’m dying to see what you think of the hero (“that big freakin’ bastard”) Caden Rawn that the Australian surfers all walk very carefully around…

The Vistaria Affair

And lastly, I will be repackaging and re-issuing the first three books in the six-book series that was called Guns-n-Lovers.  I’ve retitled the series The Vistaria Affair, and will be changing all the packaging to reflect that.  The book covers will all look like they are a series, too.

The first three books in the series are:

1.  Red Leopard

2. Black Heart

3. Blue Knight

and the three left to follow are

4. White Dawn

5. Silver Noon

6.  Golden Day

There’s a whole series information page here, that explains about the fictional Latin American island nation of Vistaria and the sexy heroes that are featured in the erotic romantic suspense series.
