WAIT – Time Twist Tale 1.1 – Now Out!

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00013]Wait is the first of the Time Twist Tales — short stories and novellas weaving in and out of the Beloved Bloody Time series.

There will be other Time Twist Tales later (right now, I’m writing Book 4 in the series, so fun bits like these will have to wait a while).

Wait features Tally and Lee, the heroine and one of the heroes from Bannockburn Binding, and gives you the long story of their history together.

Discover Lee and Tally’s bitter-sweet centuries-long history.

Waiting through time….

When Christian first meets Natália at a bullfight in nineteenth century Spain, it is not love at first sight, although their shared and hidden identities as vampires passing through a hostile human world draws them together.

For the next 364 years they pass through time, surviving wars and more, as they valiantly battle to remain in each other’s lives, regardless of the risks that staying together will bring upon the Blood, and despite the heart-rending differences between them.

WARNING: This book contains explicit and frank sex scenes and sexual language. Do not proceed beyond this point if hot love scenes offend you.
No vampires were harmed in the making of this novel.

Wait is Book 1.1, a Time Twist Tale, part of the Beloved Bloody Time series.
Book 1:  Bannockburn Binding
Book 1.1: Wait*
Book 2:  Byzantine Heartbreak
Book 3:  Romani Armada
(With more to come!)

*Time Twist Tales are short stories and novellas featuring characters and situations from the Beloved Bloody Time series.


Praise for the Beloved Bloody Time series:

The storylines are creative, the characters surprise us – over and over again. Reading Romances

The world of time traveling vampires and the Chronometric Conservation Agency is so well conceived and written. I promise, no matter how much you read, this is a unique world. This complex world is well written and presented in a manner that didn’t overwhelm me. The Romance Reviews

I’ve never been a fan of futuristic, sci-fi or time-travel books, but the characters and worlds that Tracy builds for her readers is impossible not to love. … I can’t wait for this series to continue. There are so many different ways that Tracy Cooper-Posey could take this storyline and if history truly does repeat itself, I’m positive she won’t disappoint. Vampire Romance Books

The storyline is incredible. I must confess I’m dying to read the next book in the series!  Booked Up Reviews

Tracy Cooper-Posey’s intriguing characters will quickly make their way into your hearts and wanting more of her time traveling vampires!  Romancing the Darkside


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Wait now:

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