Taylen Carver

Why I Jump Across So Many Romance Sub-Genres

If you’ve been around my books long enough (and if you haven’t—welcome!), you might have noticed something odd. Unlike many authors who settle into one or maybe two genres and build their empire there, I hop between romance sub-genres like a caffeinated rabbit.

Why I Jump Across So Many Romance Sub-Genres Read More »

If you like paranormal romance and/or RPGs…

I’ve been learning a lot about Kickstarter lately, as Taylen Carver, one of our SRP authors, has had one of their urban fantasy series as the focus of our first Kickstarter project.  And while I was browsing through some of the great deals you can find on Kickstarter, I came across this one, which looks

If you like paranormal romance and/or RPGs… Read More »

A Kickstarter campaign worth checking out.

I’m kinda excited about this, even though it’s not my books or series that are involved.  My publisher, Stories Rule Press, has just launched their first Kickstarter campaign, featuring fellow SRP author Taylen Carver’s urban fantasy series, Magorian & Jones, and the newest book in that series, The Rivers Ran Red.  I mentioned Kickstarter this

A Kickstarter campaign worth checking out. Read More »