Mash – August 9, 2014


A round-up of sites, links and other interesting tidbits I’ve seen and heard lately.

Learn How to Mod Podge

Learn How to Mod Podge/FAQ

I had never heard of Mod Podge until a few years ago.  It seems to be a North American thing.

But with the current resurgence in crafts, Mod Podge is enjoying a revival.

I tripped over this site when I was looking for ideas on how to recover the backpack I use for work — yes, I use a backpack, as it carries my BIG laptop, my lunch and all the materials and stuff I need to write anywhere I find myself — much better than even a large tote would.


Project Gutenberg

How long is it since you were on the Project Gutenberg site?

Apparently it’s been too long, in my case.

I have been aware of PG all along, almost since their inception.  But for the first years of operation, they only uploaded text files (.txt) of all the classics and public domain materials.

Yeah, well, not any more.  I was there yesterday and found my brows rising higher and higher.

If you’re not aware of it, Project Gutenberg is a collaborative project aiming to digitize the world’s classic and public domain texts.

So that list of 100 Classic Books You Must Read or Fail As A Human, that you see everywhere?  (Here’s one, for example.) You can get all those classic books on PG.  Free.

But what shocked me yesterday is that now they offer the texts in Mobi format (that is, Kindle), and in ePub…and some of them are in Audio, too!  As I’ve just started “reading” audio books, this was a real bonus for me.

Check them out.


The True Price of Fast Fashion

A really interesting (and longish) post on toss-away fashions, which also talks about the growing revival in sewing and DIY.


Do Less = Do More. The Art of Being Creative + Productive

Thought provoking.

Have a great day!
