I have been waiting more than twenty years to write this post.
Today is my last day working a day job. At the end of today, I’m quitting to write full time, which is something I have been working towards for at least two decades – basically, since I started taking writing seriously.
I’ve never been super interested in hitting the New York Times Best Seller list, or becoming the next JK Rowling. The odds are stacked against the average author, and achieving either one of those ambitions is the equivalent of winning the lottery. Now that I’m indie publishing, they’re even further beyond my grasp.
To earn enough from my writing to pay my bills, which would let me write all the time, instead of in snatched moments during my day…that seemed like something I just might be able to achieve.
Even writing full-time is a long shot for most authors, especially fiction authors. Most authors earn next to nothing. Descant Magazine reported that “The average fiction writer in Canada earns about $500 a year in royalties.” No, that’s not a typo. Five hundred dollars. Period. While the UK’s Guardian newspaper reported that the earnings of the average professional authors falls below the minimum wage, making less than £10,500 in 2013. That’s not quite $16,000 in US dollars.
When I was still publishing with legacy publishers, I was one of these scrabbling authors. Switching to indie publishing – and taking back 100% control over my books and my career — has made all the difference in the world.
I have been a published author since 1999. Tomorrow, I become an author who is self-supporting…and who gets to spend all day making things up and getting paid for it.
Life is bliss.
Tracy, it was a pleasure working with you. I’ll miss our chats and bitching sessions. Keep in touch. Oh, and I hope your mom enjoys her first white Christmas. Love and hugs… Cora
Thanks, Cora!
Congrats. I’m working a two year plan that will hopefully get shorter as I go… I’ll be thinking of you on your first day of work Monday morning when I’m driving into the day job.
Hi Lynn:
Thanks for stopping by and for the congrats. Although while you’re driving into work, I’m going to be sitting at my desk at home going “really? This isn’t a joke?”
Wow Congratulations. I love your books and look forward to reading more. I wish you the best and thank you for providing me and all of your fans many hours of dreaming and entertainment.
Hi Tracy (great name!)
Thanks for the comment. The great thing about writing full time is that I can start writing a LOT. I have an extended production schedule for next year. Can’t wait to get into it!
Thanks for being a reader of mine!
Congrats!! That’s a win for us, as we’ll have more to read!!
Hi Kathi:
Thanks! Yes, I’ve been working my production schedule for next year, and I do think there may be a few more books in your future.