Even more different…

There we go.

Now that the first book in the new historical romance series is out (His Parisian Mistress, which came out last Thursday, in case you missed it) — now I can talk about Book 2.

That was the other reason I was twitchy about no pre-order for the first book. It meant I couldn’t do anything with the second book once it was ready to go, not until Book 1 had come out.

So the two days of flurry surrounding the release of book 1 also involved getting Book 2 up and ready for pre-order.

And now I can tell you about it!

Like His Parisian Mistress, Her Rebellious Prince sees the heroes and heroines of this next generation of the great family head off far and wide to interesting places and events.

Of course, “interesting” often means something else entirely to those caught up in interesting times and this holds for the heroes and heroines of the new series, too.

The Prince kisses her, instead of her twin sister.

Elise never intends to marry. Marriage is far too restricting, in her estimation. Instead, she grasps what freedom there is in running her Great Aunt Annalies’ boarding house. When Danyal, newly crowned Prince of Pandev, kisses her by mistake, her delicately balanced contentment is shattered.

Danyal isn’t in England to find a wife, as society believes. An English wife would offend the Balkan Separatists who threaten his principality. Such a wife would also defeat his desire to separate his family from the stained reputation which dogs it, which the former Prince, his uncle Kosta, was never fully successful in removing.

So why can he not stop thinking about that simple—delightful—kiss, and the woman he held in his arms for only a moment?

This book is part of the Scandalous Family—The Victorians. This is the second spin-off series to feature a new generation of the Great Family, who are now scattering across Europe and beyond in search of adventure…and love.

This story is part of the Scandalous Family—The Victorians series:

1.0 His Parisian Mistress
2.0 Her Rebellious Prince
and more to come!

A Sexy Victorian Era Historical Romance


Praise for previous Scandalous series:

If you haven’t started this series, start right now and you will fall in love with this very unconventional family during a time when rules, etiquette and unwritten rules had to be followed or the lack of them would bring scandal and ruin to an entire family.

I love these books. Tracy creates these characters so well and with such care. I really recommend reading this series.

I am overwhelmed by how much I have enjoyed this series so far. It was not superficial fluff as I thought it might be when I began. Cooper-Posey books have touched on so many universal themes.

Her characters are admirable people who love their family and are capable of deep romantic love as well.

I just love this series and the books just keep getting better and better. This series takes us on a romp through historical times, which I love.

If you haven’t read this magnificent series you must do so now; you will love each story, be moved by each of them, fall in love with the heroines and heroes, you will cheer for them and just as loudly boo the villains.

Love this series and have bought them all.

This entire series is filled with so much love for each other and family, that there is no way you cannot be emotionally drawn into each story.

If you are at all familiar with the previous series, then you may recognize a name in the description. An old connection of the Great Family returns to London to vex them…



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