Dumb Drugs

Last Monday I woke up with a pain in the side of my back, that stabbed sharply when I breathed heavily. It hurt to raise my arm.

As I had woken with it, I figured I’d slept funny, stressed a muscle or tendon, and that the pain would go away after a while.

It got worse as the day went on. I took some Ibuprofen and kept working. This is unusual for me–I just don’t like taking medications if I can avoid them at all.

By noon, the drug had kicked in and I knew that wincing my way through a Facebook live session would be the mildest result, if I went live. I wasn’t thinking all that clearly–enough to change my usual 30 minute warning email to a notice that I wouldn’t be there, post a status update on Facebook, and that was it. I slept the rest of the day.

That night, I took a single prescription muscle relaxant.

I woke up on Tuesday with a radically reduced pain in my back. It ached, instead of the shooting pains of Monday. However, the muscle relaxant had me spinning around the north pole. It wasn’t just my back that ached. It was all of me. I couldn’t put words together to make sentences.

It was a case of the cure being worse than the original problem. I will never take them again. On Wednesday, as I write this, I’m still mildly groggy and ready to sleep and it’s not even ten in the morning yet.

Anyway, that’s why I didn’t turn up. My apologies to everyone who was ready to join the discussion.

Let’s try again this Monday.

How do Authors Build Series?

How does an author build the story world and the series-long story arcs that make a series one you want to hang on to until the end?

What are the types of series? And why is every author writing them, these days?

Why do authors stop writing series?

By reader request, this week we’ll look at some of the behind-the-scenes factors that influence novel series.

Find out more. Join me for Monday’s Facebook Live session, where I explain this one. 2pm MST on my Facebook page. There is a link, below, to download the recurring reminder, which you can add to your calendar app.

Download a recurring appointment for your Calendar app



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