This morning, Cancer Curated, my memoir, was released on all retailers, everywhere.
Cancer is also a mental game…
Because I am an author, when I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2022, I unintentionally lived through my treatment, the ups and (some of) the downs, in a very public way. Then something strange happened.
I began to get messages and emails from strangers. Lots of strangers. My posts and public updates, they said, were helping them deal with their own brush with cancer—as survivors, patients, caregivers, friends, family and, sometimes, as victims.
The public updates were necessarily short and severely edited. This book is an unedited chronology of everything I dealt with to arrive where I am today. Woven through the public posts are the raw facts and events I didn’t include in the updates. I’ve also included my hugely subjective opinions on some of the extremes cancer patients and their caregivers go through and how it changes you.
Looking for a different way to think about cancer? Try mine.
You can buy Cancer Curated at my shop, Stories Rule Press, or your preferred retailer. If you buy from me, you can pick it up for 10% off, by using the first time customer coupon code on the front page of the site. Or you can use your reward points to earn a discount, if you’ve previously purchased books from me.
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