The romance genre often gets a bad rap–usually by men, but also by pretty much everyone in traditional publishing, and a large group of industry professionals who look down their noses at the “women’s genre”.
Which is sometimes hard to take, because I’m sure that many of the people disparaging romance have never read a romance book in their life.
I even once had a man who, when I said I publish romance, came back with, “Oh, female fuck books.”
Yeah. Seriously.
So when I read Aurora Ascher’s post on Books by Women, I wanted to cheer.
The site is aimed at authors, but the post itself is something I think you’ll really appreciate. Check out “Romance Books Made Me A Feminist” here.
Then tell me and everyone else what you think about the romance genre and Asher’s post in comments, here.

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I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on genre and its so true what you said I also like to read paranormal genre I also like H M Ward she is a very good Author she doesn’t write paranormal but she writes a good romance bit steamy but we’ll worth the read my kindle is filled with paranormal reads ,romance reads they take you out of this world and transport you to there’s, bears ,dragons, vampires werewolfs
Thanks for stopping by, Karen!
Yes, PNR is super-popular! I’ve read a bit of H.M. Ward. Quite steamy, as you say. But fun!
It never occurred to me that the reason I was enjoying the romance novels that I had been reading was as Aurora Ascher stated… “These books were written by women, for women. All the subtle descriptions, references, humor, and scenarios were written from the female perspective.”
It made sense to me.
It does make sense, doesn’t it?
It’s not something you stop to think about, but now it’s been said… 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
BRAVO Aurora!!! I am an avid reader of mostly romance books, however I do enjoy a mystery every once in a while. For most women I think that reading romance (clean or steamy) is a way for us to kind of live vicariously through the characters-whether it be to find what we’ve been lacking from our partners or to explore different ways to heighten our sexuality. So you are absolutely correct when you say it is liberating….F*ck the patriarchy!!
LOL! Yes, indeed!
Thanks for commenting, Valarie!
Mind blown ! That explains why I can’t be bothered with most other entertainment, I love the character development and repartee that is so fundamental to well written romances!
Thanks for sharing the article Tracy
I had to share: hopefully it opens more friends to the possibilities of an entertaining and fulfilling escape, which is always possible with your books
Thanks, Ingrid! Yes, it really is food for thought, isn’t it?
A lot of things we’ve all subconsciously understood but never put into words.
Well written Aurora! Thanks Tracy.
I read across a wide range of genres, but they are all romance stories in one way or another, and nearly all by female authors. It never occurred to me that they resonate with me because they are by a woman who understands and writes from a woman’s perspective. They are a great way to escape the ‘ordinariness’ of life and participate in a world of adventure. Plus… the advantage of ‘F*ck the patriarchy!’
LOL! Yes, indeed.
Thanks for commenting, Diane!
I have never seen it that way, but now I enjoy my romance novels even more.
Yes, it’s a real eye-opener, isn’t it?
Well that got me thinking. I started reading romance way back in the murky past and was drawn to certain authors. I always loved the strong, sassy, intelligent female characters in those romances. Now I completely understand why! Written by talented female authors with believable characters and stories that resonate with me.
Exactly! It’s fascinating, isn’t it, how much subconscious processing we do when reading.
Which authors were you drawn to?
Thanks for commenting!
Nora Roberts was one I discovered in my twenties. Loved her books. Read everything I could find back then. More recently of course I have found your books. Read everything I can find.