The Vistaria Affair

Hot Latin Heroes, High Tension Storytelling.

Jimmy Smits. Remember him? Yeah, me, too. And what has that to do with anything, you ask? Oh, lots… I grew up without a TV, so when I was a young adult, I pigged out on TV, catching up on TV series I hadn’t seen, but had heard all the gossip about for years. There […]

Hot Latin Heroes, High Tension Storytelling. Read More »

Hot Latin Warrior Heroes in Uniform…what’s not to love?

We seem to be in a romantic suspense season right now.  It’s everywhere! I really can’t believe the Vistaria Has Fallen series ended more than a year ago, but there you go.  It’s been a year. So…a little snippet from one of the books in the upcoming boxed set to give you a glimpse at what’s

Hot Latin Warrior Heroes in Uniform…what’s not to love? Read More »

Is Your Favourite Series Coming Up?

Since switching to 100% indie publishing, I have done two things consistently (apart from writing a lot of books!): I have planned a schedule of book releases for two years out. I haven’t shared that plan with readers. There are a lot of reasons why I don’t share, even though I get peppered with constant

Is Your Favourite Series Coming Up? Read More »

My Life/Working Notes – April 10, 2015

As I write this post, I’m zooming up to the finish post on the fourth Vistaria Affair book, White Dawn.  (And as I post this post, I’ve finished!!) This one has been a long time coming.  I finished the first three books years ago. In fact, Blue Knight was one of the last two books

My Life/Working Notes – April 10, 2015 Read More »

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