Scratch an Itch

Simon Hattinga Verschure

I don’t listen to podcasts very often, primarily because I’m so busy concentrating on (usually) writing and producing books, that I just can’t spare the time to sit and do nothing with my hands while listening to people talk.

If I was doing a lot of repetitive activities that didn’t require much mental capacity (driving, for example), I would absolutely listen to a huge, huge list of podcasts that I keep bookmarking for “one day”.

If you’ve been reading my posts for long, you’ll have figured out that I have a thing for history.  Most of the stuff that scratches my curiosity bump is history related and you’d be surprised how many of the outcomes from my “oh, what’s the story behind that?” moments end up in my books.

Often, they end up here on the blog, too.

If you like that sort of stuff, there’s a podcast you should check out.  It’s called Ancient History Fangirl. and they cover some pretty interesting stuff.  Check out the episode list on their site and give them a try!

Do you have a favourite podcast?

Share in comments!


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