My Life/Working Notes – Happy New Year!

MH900386038I’m back to the grind stone.  How about you?

I’m sitting on the bus heading for the day job as I write this.  It’s dark outside, snow is lying all around, it’s hovering around ten below zero (Celsius) and the nicest thing about my day so far is the hot English Breakfast tea in my trusty travel mug – and my travel mug is showing signs of age, too, as the seal is starting to go and the tea isn’t as hot as it should be.  But these are Canadian winters, and after keeping my first cup of char of the morning piping hot for several years, despite twenty-below temperatures, the cup is finally showing signs of battle fatigue.

I know how it feels.

The break over the holidays was wonderful.  I actually achieved very little in the way of book writing.  You may have noticed.  I got Red Leopard out and I’m halfway through repackaging Black Heart, but between family events and Christmas stuff, I just didn’t get to hang out at my desk nearly as much as I would have needed to get all the books released that I (and I suspect, you) would have liked.

Still, 2012 was a stellar year for me as an indie author.

17 indie titles released.

One #1 Amazon Best Seller.

Two Amazon Top Ten best sellers.

Three reviewer top pick reviews.

…and my monthly writing revenue from January 2012 to January 2013 has more than tripled.

Not bad for a single year’s work.

Not Resolutions, But Plans

New Year’s Resolutions are just made to be broken.  By the end of March, there’s usually not to many of us hanging in there with our January intentions still going strong.

So I haven’t made any resolutions this year.  I made plans, instead.  Using 2012 as my template, I now have a very good idea about how long it takes to write and produce a book, given my current lifestyle.  Given that data, I projected out across 2013.  Here’s what I plan to publish in 2013:

The Vistaria Affair Series II Black Heart

The Vistaria Affair Series III Blue Knight

Terror Stash

Beloved Bloody Time IIIRomani Armada

Blood Knot III – Blood Unleashed

Kiss Across Time I Kiss Across Time

Kiss Across Time II Kiss Across Swords

Kiss Across Time IIIKiss Across Chains

Beloved Bloody Time IV

Blood Knot IV – Blood Revealed

Scandalous Sirens III – Rhys’ Unnamed Story

It’s only eleven books…but there are six new and very big books in that list, whereas in 2012 I did a lot of re-releases.

I’m dying to write all of them.  I can’t wait for you to read them.  Yes, I have them all outlined (in broad strokes).  I already know what happens (na-nah!)

And yes, my sleeves are rolled up.

See you around….


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