Today, please welcome Kelly Apple to the site. She’s a “new” author — but if you read the reviews for her very first book, you get the impression Kelly is going to be around for a good long while.
Kelly is also giving away an Amazon gift card today. Stay tuned for details.
Who are your favourite authors?
I’m addicted to Ann Aguirre’s writing. Her books just flay me alive and leave me all flaily after. In a good way.
On the sexier side, Jodi Redford’s books make me grin. She writes everything from contemporary romance to ménage erotica to paranormal romance. And I love them all.
What is your favourite novel cover?
Galilee Rising by Jennifer Harlow is one of my current favorites. The first time I saw it, I had to go back and take a second look because it’s so very, very pretty.
One of my all time favorite covers is Wilder’s Mate by Moira Rogers. Wilder’s kind of inspiring, all dark and feral.
What’s the best Hero Moment you’ve ever seen in film?
I just watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy this past weekend and I’m smitten with the little moments. The moments where everything seems lost and yet our hero keeps pushing forward.
What’s the best Hero Moment you’ve ever read in a book?
Again, I’m a fan of the little moments. In Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood #3), when Z writes down how he feels about Bella and lays himself bare doing so. *sniffle* So good.
What reading device do you use for reading ebooks on?
I’m a Kindle girl. I’m on my second after burning my first out. I love being able to carry an entire library around in my purse.
What is your take on the indie author phenomenon? What do you think the book industry will look like in five years’ time?
I’m a fan of indie authors and a long time supporter even before I published my first book. Things change so fast with publishing, I have NO CLUE what to expect in five years.
Do you ever skip the “I love you!” scene in your novels? Do you feel you’ve been cheated if they’re missing in other authors’ books?
I don’t skip it, but it has to be organic. Although both my characters clearly felt something for one another in Demon Restrained, neither of them were in a place to say those words by the end of the book. However, in a later book, they’ve both reached an emotional point where they freely admit how they feel. For me, it needs to come at the right time.
What’s your take on eBook piracy? What would you do about it if you were given carte blanche?
While this isn’t something I’ve personally experienced at this point, as a person who loves books and wants to support the authors, I think it’s awful.
If someone offered you immortality, but you could never write again…would you take the offer?
I honestly don’t think I could stop writing. Ever.
What do you want your epitaph to read, at the end of your life?
Honestly, this isn’t something I’ve ever thought of. Let’s see. Maybe “She certainly wasn’t afraid of monsters, was she?” LOL. Maybe I need to think on this a little longer before committing to something permanent.
What are you currently reading? How’s that going for you?
Oddly, I’m reading one of your books right now. Heart of Vengeance. I started it late last night, but I’m enjoying it already!
What will you be reading next?
I’m a mood reader, so whatever strikes my fancy.
The Desiree Staccato
In honour of Desiree Holt who started this Saturday Night Live style tradition:
- Favourite colour? Black
- Favourite drink? Coffee
- Favourite writing outfit? Anything comfortable
- Favourite food(s)? Candy canes. I have to hide them from myself so I don’t go crazy.
- Favourite music? I don’t really listen to music
Favourite sport? Not a huge sports fan, either
- Favourite body part? Eyes
- Favourite spot in the world? Anywhere I can take my dogs
- Favourite movie? The Resident Evil movies. I like blood and guts.
- Favourite TV show? Doctor Who
- Favourite flower? I don’t think I have a fave. At least, I’ve never thought about it.
- Favourite thing to do at knock-off time? Play around on Twitter and Pinterest
Tell us about your book.
I knew how book one would play out from the moment I started writing it. While I originally intended it as a stand-alone, I knew halfway through I was going to end up writing multiple books with these characters. And so, I’ve been busy writing and expanding on the world that begins with Bas and Evie’s book.
Bas wants out.
Held captive by a crazed Alpha, demon Bastael hates all those he’s come across on the mortal plane. When a damaged werewolf falls into his path, he’s determined to use her and find a way to escape.
Evie wants to be safe.
Abused by her Pack and afraid for her life, Evie hides in the dark corners of the basement. The demon that’s already down there? He’s better than the Alpha upstairs.
But neither of them expects the connection that sets them both on fire.
With the Alpha’s lust for power escalating, Bas and Evie will have to find a way to break free or die trying.
Warning: This book contains one cocky demon and one werewolf who’s stronger than she looks. That’s right, folks… If the basement is a rockin’, don’t come a knockin’!
She was there again.
Even through the muddy haze of magic that trapped him in this hell-spawned plane, Bas could feel her hovering near the door. He couldn’t see her—she was very careful not to reveal herself to him—but he could taste the ripples of her passage as she edged down the stairs.
She was quiet, he would give her that. She crept along the borders of the room, hidden by the boxes and piles of junk, the tall metal shelving, the dirt that lay everywhere. In all her visits to this underground prison, he had yet to catch her scent—surprising considering he could smell better than most werewolves—and he felt only the faint echo of movement as she displaced air and energy in her slow walk to the place she would settle into.
She stumbled, the sound loud in the silence, and Bas’s head swung around, tracking her.
A throb of fear swept through the room. True fear. Terror. And it wasn’t directed at him. He thought she might be holding her breath; the vibrations had changed, gone as still as deep water.
He was tempted to call out to her, startle her further, send her scurrying back up the stairs so she wouldn’t crawl into her hidey hole and watch him in his disgrace. But if he did that, he’d be down here staring at the magical walls of his prison yet again with nothing to distract him.
He brooded over that. It was inconceivable to him that a demon who could do what he did on his home plane was considering using a thrice-damned werewolf female to break the monotony of his imprisonment.
The fact he had been weak enough to be imprisoned in the first place angered him. By the Five Hells, he could feel his strength fading daily. Soon that fucker Conn wouldn’t need a magic circle fueled by blood and death to hold him.
It was unacceptable. No self-respecting demon could sit here and allow that without a fight.
To be at the mercy of the psychotic Conn and his pack of degenerates. No. He was a crafty demon, one who knew how to slide into places he shouldn’t be. It was his gift, his calling. He could cajole and tempt when the situation called for it.
Yet here he was. Being held by a mortal with a penchant for pain.
The magical circle surrounding him seemed to throb in agreement.
Catch up with Kelly directly. Email…Website…Amazon…Goodreads…Facebook…Twitter…Pinterest
Kelly is generously giving away a $10 Amazon Gift Card — please leave a comment for her below, to be included in the draw. Contest ends at midnight, MST, Sunday January 26, 2014 — winner will be announced on Monday, January 27.
Congrats, Kelly! Hope to see more from you soon! =)
Thank you, Denjz! I have a big year planned out!
Hi Kelly —
— glad to see you! Thanks again for being my guest today.
Welcome, Kelly! Your book sounds great – I will have to check it out.
I’m super jealous that you had the whole plot of the first book figured out right away, and later books halfway through. Trying to figure out what the HELL the story I’m telling is all about is one of the hardest things for me. (The other is actually finding the courage to do the writing… 😉 )
PS Hi Tracy! 😀
Hi Katheryn!
Nice to see you here! If it helps, I have some ass-in-chair motivational articles here on the site. will get you started.
Thanks, Tracy! I’m pretty sure I’ve read at least a few of these before, but I will look again. I’ll also troll your site for plotting advice (over and above the books you already recommended :D).
Thanks again!
I think I was lucky with Demon Restrained. It hit me like a freight train and didn’t let up until I’d finished writing it. Here’s to hoping all my future ideas play out that nicely!
Good luck on your writing!
That must have felt really good – to just have the story pouring out of you.
Thanks and good luck on your future endeavors too!
Congratulations on the publication of your first book! Demon Restrained sounds like a fascinating story. Thanks for sharing the great interview and excerpt.
Really excited to get to read your work! I’m a big fan of Tracy Cooper Posey and if she’s excited about you you’re going to be great!!
Aaawwwwh. Thanks, Abby!
I do believe I’ve read just about everything that Tracy has written. I started way way back when. If Tracy likes your work, then I do believe I will have another author to add to my MUST read lists.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Robyn!
Ooohhh…this sounds like a neat story. I’m going to Amazon to check out her stuff.
Sounds like a great read! It’s a happy day finding a new author/series that sounds good.
Really enjoyed reading the excerpt. Made me want to read more! Sounds awesome! 🙂