I’m Back! And Boy Do I Have News!

I think the title probably says a mouthful all by itself, so I’ll roll right over to the good stuff. 🙂

I have to finish this post then go rebuild my site to accommodate the blog once more.  Which pleases me no end, because I have so missed blogging it’s not funny.

And there’s so much to tell!

Rather than overwhelm you with all the news in an info dump of one post, I’ll just contain myself to the big one.

My latest book came out three days ago.  Blood Knot is:

1) Erotic urban fantasy romance. (MFF, vampires, paranormal, contemporary)

2) The cover is gorgeous (see below?)

3)  It’s up on Amazon already.

4)  It’s only $2.99  (gasp!)

5)  And…it’s self-published.

Yep, I’ve joined the ranks of the indie authors.

There’ll be more about future titles I have planned and the huge book tour (free books!) I’ve got booked for BLOOD KNOT, later.  For now, I have to go rearrange my site.

Please drop in and say hi!  I’ve missed you all!


4 thoughts on “I’m Back! And Boy Do I Have News!”

  1. Hi Tracy! Glad to see you’re back!

    The cover is just beautiful – I love it and already have it on my Kindle 🙂
    Congrats on becoming self published and can’t wait to read it.


    1. Carol!

      Thanks so much for commenting! You’re #1 on the new blog!

      Just for breaking the ice I’m sending you a copy of KISS ACROSS TIME. Enjoy!

      And thank you for buying BLOOD KNOT. I hope you enjoy it!

      The cover IS great, isn’t it? Cover by Dar Albert at Wicked Smart Designs. She did some of my other books — DEAD AGAIN, DIANA BY THE MOON, DEAD DOUBLE, BEAUTY’S BEASTS (which won an award, too!). Dar was thrilled to be able to do this cover, and I was thrilled she agreed!



    1. Thanks, Belinda!

      BLOOD KNOT is only $2.99 so at least you don’t have to wait too long!



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