November 2nd!!! Is anyone other than me feeling dizzy at the sheer speed 2012 is whizzing by?
Goodies I’ve found from chatting, cruising and working lately:
Interesting Sites
The New Vanity Publishing
This article on the Huffington Post raises such a good point I may yet discuss it in my own post. For now, read and absorb.
Ginger – Editing Software
Microsoft Word comes with its own robust spelling and grammar checker, but if you use anything else, Ginger is free and quite good. It embeds itself into the operating system, and stays resident, so you can check text within any program.
Assess and analyse your own website.
QR Code Generator
For generating the patches, not just reading them.
50 Shades of Hypocrisy
Another riff on that book.
Amazon Opens Japanese Store
This is an interesting discussion by Irish author-in-Sweden (I thought *I* was dislocated!) David Gaughran, examining some of the pros and cons of Amazon’s latest storefront.
The Beloved Bloody Time Series
I’ve updated the series page to include a table on the casts as they were introduced in Byzantine Heartbreak, and another table of major and secondary characters.