
Light Summer Reading

There’s something invigorating about Spring, which is a terrible cliché, but it’s also quite true. We just had the most beautiful weekend here in Alberta.  After a week of -1’s to about 5 degrees Celsius, it suddenly shot up to 25 degrees.  We threw open the doors and windows and you could feel everything taking […]

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On the Road – I’m at Smexy Books Today

Today I’m at Smexy Books, talking about one or two of Australia’s best kept secrets, and my latest romantic thriller release, Terror Stash.  Guess where that is set? No prizes for guessing right, but you do stand to win a copy of Dead Double over at Smexy. 😉 _____________

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Byzantine Heartbreak — Book of the Year.

Byzantine Heartbreak, the second book in my vampire MMF menage time travel paranormal futuristic romance series, Beloved Bloody Time, has won the Best Book of the Year 2012 award in the SF/Futuristic Romance category from The Romance Reviews. I recently took Byzantine out of the Amazon Select program, so now it is available everywhere, in

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My Life/Mini Mash/News

There’s a lot of little bits happening right now — a real mash up of my own life.  So I thought I’d throw them all into a single post rather than string them out into itty posts of their own. The biggest news right at the moment is that Byzantine Heartbreak has been nominated for

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CHRONICLES OF THE LOST YEARS – Free for the Next Five Days

The first book in my Sherlock Holmes series, Chronicles of the Lost Years, is free today on Amazon, and will be free through until Sunday. If you’re a Robert Downey Jnr. fan, or a Benedict Cumberbatch fan, you will probably enjoy this series. If you have any Sherlock Holmes-loving friends, let them know of this

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What I’m Reading – February 18, 2013

I’ve virtually stopped reading on my cellphone altogether.  It’s rare I revert to the little screen – usually only if my Tablet is in power-down mode. But on my Tablet…. Attack Your Day!: Before It Attacks You Mark Woods, Trapper Woods Remember DayTimers?  And DayRunner?  I used to be addicted to them.  The anal combination

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Top Posts, Favourite Books, Most Popular Reader Locations of 2012

Despite the blog playing dead for part of the year, it has been an interesting year, statistics-wise. I had just shy of 25,000 visitors over the year, with a total of just under 90,000 page views. The site is hovering around the 300,000 mark on Alexa, which isn’t too shabby at all for a fiction

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