SFR Galaxy Award 2016 for Faring Soul.

SFRGalaxyAwards_icon2015Faring 3DI’ve mixed up the order of announcements here.  The other day I posted a snippet of the new book, Varkan Rise, and also mentioned that Faring Soul, the first book in the series, had won a SFR Galaxy Award in passing.  Ooops.  That was because I knew I was going to write this post, and had forgotten it wouldn’t show up until today, two days after the snippet.

Anyway, if you were reading between the lines, that might have been news for you and this is now a repeat.  Sorry!

But to make it official, early last week, the SFR Galaxy Awards for 2015 were announced.  These are annual awards hosted by a number of SFR bodies, including The Spacefreighters Lounge and The Galaxy Express, to celebrate the best of science fiction romance.

It is an inclusive award, rather than limiting the award to set categories.  If there is a book out there the judges feel is worthy of recognition, it receives an award.

Faring Soul won a Galaxy Award for “Most Intriguing Philosophical/Social Science Questions in Galaxybuilding”.  The judge, Lee Koven, added a long description outlining the merits of the book, too.  If you’re curious, you can read it hereFaring Soul is the second book in the list, so scroll down a bit to find it.

This is an extra-special award for me.  If you’ve been following this blog for long you are probably aware that I love and adore science fiction, but have never had the guts to actually write it…until now.  So, receiving an award for the first book out of the gate is very, very nice indeed.

Also, in case you missed it, I have started writing the second book in the series, Varkan Rise.  A couple of days ago (here, actually), I posted a snippet from the book.  And that’s how my tail caught up with my nose and I had to explain the time loop at the top of this post.  🙂


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