The Romance Studio’s End of Summer Bash – Last Day

This is the final day of The Romance Studio’s End of Summer Bash.

I’m part of the mayhem, chatter and prize giveaways.

Stop in and chat, for a chance to pick up the last of the goodies that will be given away over today.






2 thoughts on “The Romance Studio’s End of Summer Bash – Last Day”

  1. Finally, I get to comment on this bash! You did a great job with the bash I met some great authors and hope to read a lot of them in the future. Thanks for the opportunity to be apart of it.


    1. Hi Belinda;

      Thanks so much for heading back to the blog and letting me know how you found the Bash. I’m glad you enjoyed it! I hope you scored some goodies out of the occassion, too! The Romance Studio parties are always freewheeling carnival rides — you really have to hang on to your hat while you’re there. It takes all your energy just to keep up with the conversation sometimes!



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