The Lord of the Rings

It’s Just a Job – High Elves

I have been running this site for over twenty years, since I first was published. The blog section of the site (that you’re reading now–and possibly, you’re reading it as an email), has had a couple of iterations. I started a blog when I was first published and many of the posts in this series […]

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Pulse Pause Moment – Thorin Oakenshield, The Hobbit

I had lunch the other day with an author friend who is completely hooked on The Hobbit. I have always been obsessed with The Lord of the Rings since I read it in high school.  I used to read the book about once a year until the movies came out.  Now I have an annual

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Pulse Pause Moments – Aragorn…Again

I actually don’t like high fantasy, with one glaring exception.  When I was fifteen years old, I was introduced to Lord Of The Rings.  I read it in a week (between school exams), and fell utterly in love. I tried other high fantasy novels after that and hated them.  They all seemed derivative — faint

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