Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising this week:
Interesting Posts/Articles
Erotic Romance writer Sahara Kelly’s reaction to Fifty Shades of Grey
For all the frugalists out there.
Top 1,000 Romance Novels of All Time
Interesting in an intellectual way only. I lost faith in the list when I saw Gone With The Wind listed at #5. GWTW is not even remotely a romance novel. It is romantic, yes, but it is not a romance in the traditional definition of the romance genre. It doesn’t have a HEA, just to start. And Mitchell wrote the book as a historical fiction, not a romance. So…an interesting list, not a guide.
Indie Authors
Paranormal Romance Indie Author (and Kiwi)
Evolved Publishing
An Indie Authors publishing cooperative. This is the first I’ve seen. I’m sure it won’t be the last.
Do Authors Dream Of Electric Books?
A blog collective (they don’t publish on this blog — not quite the same thing).
Blast From The Past (from my archives)
How I Performed Hara Kiri on My Career
Have a great weekend!