This is a perennial argument discussion in romance circles and the debate may never end, but let’s try to nail it down a bit better tomorrow.
Do you like your books short? Or long? Or don’t care?
How do you find romance novels these days? Too long? Too short?
Did you know there are hidden factors that influence how long a book ends up being? It’s not just about story, either.
And what about series? How many books are enough? Why do authors only write a few books in a series, and other authors go for dozens? What can you do to find books the length you want? How do you even *know* what length you prefer?
Find out more. Join me for tomorrow’s Facebook Live session, where I explain this one. 2pm MST on my Facebook page. There is a link, below, to download the recurring reminder, which you can add to your calendar app.
Last week’s FB Live, Retcons. What are they? And are they good or bad?can be viewed here on Facebook and here on YouTube.
Subject index:
- 1:15: My book sucks!
- 11:10: Retcons. What are they? Are they good or bad?
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