Science Fiction Romance Blogs To Read

Science Fiction Romance Blogs To Read

From Carrie W, recently:

Hi Tracy;

I know you don’t write sfr anymore so sad, as i liked your posts about it. can you tell me other blogs I can read?


As usual, I sent Carrie a comprehensive response by email, but thought I would expand on that email here.  There’s a lot of stuff packed into this single line email that should be addressed.

Actually, I do write SFR, still.

I did stop for a while, as sales were tanking, and as sales of my books pay my rent, I am forced to put aside series or genres that just don’t pay for themselves.

Partly, I think that is because the SFR genre is primarily a forced-breeding/alien-mate stuffed trope. As I don’t write these types of romances, it was too difficult to find readers who also appreciated romantic space opera (which is what I do write).

However, as I pointed out in:  “…And Science Fiction Romance Is Back On The Table“, while I wasn’t writing SFR, more and more readers were discovering what I had written, liking it, and adding themselves to my mailing list…and asking when the next series would begin.

Add a bit more pressure from a vocal Street Team, and I capitulated and have added SFR back onto my production schedule.  As I love writing the stuff, it will absolutely be the worst chore in the world to write another series.

However, this will be an experiment.  I hope a successful one, and that sales are sufficient to justify writing more.

You can check out my SFR titles here.

My Posts About SFR

If you’re curious, you can find all my previous posts about science fiction romance here.

Other Blogs About SFR

This is the interesting one.  Carrie didn’t ask about SFR sites, of which there is quite a few, but blogs.

Blogs have become somewhat passe, these days, but I still love them, and apparently CArrie does, too.  If you’re reading this post, there’s a good chance you do, too.  Many readers prefer podcasts and social media posts, but I prefer blogs, because they are often concentrated sources of current news about a genre, and are usually more reliable and accurate than social media posts.

When I first ventured into SFR, I learned that there are not huge numbers of sites dealing purely with SFR.  There are even less blogs devoted to it.

That situation has not changed a great deal since my first research.  Here’s what I found:

Alien Romances

Baen Books (mostly SF, but SFR gets a toe in here and there)

SciFi Chick

The SFR Brigade

Spacefreighters Lounge

Pink Raygun

Broad Universe – women in SFF

Veronica Scott’s columns at Amazing Stories

The SFR Galaxy Awards

EpBot – all things girlie and geeky

and then there are the blogs and sites of all your favourite SFR authors, too.



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