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Red Leopard is the first book in the MF erotic romantic suspense thriller series, The Vistaria Affair Series.
Calli Munro, soon-to-be-economics-professor, arrives in Vistaria during La Fiesta de la Luna, a combination of Mardi Gras and Carnival, and is arrested for violently resisting the amorous advances of strangers. She’s sprung from jail by a commanding civilian the Loyalist military refer to only as leopardo rojo. Calli is inexplicably drawn to him.
When Calli formally meets Nicolás Escobedo, the bastard half-brother of Vistaria’s president, she realizes she is in trouble for it is the mysterious leopardo rojo. Their attraction is powerful and mutual, despite everything they do to deny its existence.
Vistaria totters on the very brink of revolution and anarchy. It needs only a tiny nudge to tumble the country into the abyss of bloody war. Then the insurrectos learn that the President’s brother is having an affair with a hated Americano…
A great read that will have you glued to the pages!!! When our lovers finally get together it’s beyond steaming. Amazon Reviewer
This is a scorching hot read – although hot is just too mild a word. Love Romance Passion
The anticipation is electrifying, and when they finally come together, it’s dynamite.
Red Leopard stays with you for a long time. Romance Reviews Today
Tracy Cooper-Posey receives the highest rating for her great writing, intricate plotting and tasteful yet extremely erotic sex scenes. Women on Writing
Red Leopard keeps the reader glued from beginning to end. The mixture of romance and sexual ecstasy made this book worth reading over and over. Love Romances
Pros: Fresh new idea. Cons: none. For Romantica this is something new and fresh. About
A spellbinding, adventurous novel. I am anxiously waiting to see what comes next from Ms. Cooper-Posey’s talented pen! Sensual Romance.
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