Don’t do Facebook? How not to miss out!

On Facebook, on Monday, we had a rolling, roiling discussion about print versus ebooks, and how to maximize your book collection.

Lots of differing opinions…including mine! I had an eye opener regarding print and ebooks recently, which I shared in the discussion.

One of the viewers/commentors was US Today Best Selling romance author Laurann Dohner, a complete shock to me! (It didn’t stop me disagreeing with her, though!)

Next week, we will be talking about ways to whittle down your TBR pile.

Come and add your suggestions, and maybe learn a few tips to help you cut through the pile, too.

There is a link to a perpetual calendar appointment at the bottom of this email that you can download and add to your calendar, which will remind you of the next chat.

“I Don’t Do Facebook!”

I get more than a few emails after every FB live session, telling me, more or less: “I don’t do FB. Too bad…”

Actually, I get that. I understand it. I think if I were a private citizen, I’d get rid of my Facebook account, too.

However, most of you reading this do hang out on Facebook, so I do, too. Whatever is easiest for you.

But that does mean a small fraction of you miss out on the FB live sessions…except you don’t have to.

It’s not exactly the same, but every week, I upload a copy of the FB live chats onto YouTube. You can watch the reply there…and you can even leave your own comments, too!

You can also email me directly, with your comments and opinions, and I can relay them in the next live session.

You don’t have to miss out!

Jan 21 FB Live on Facebook. | Jan 21 FB live replay on YouTube.

Click to download a perpetual appointment for your calendar app.



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