Coming to a scene near you, very soon.

Image credits: Adas Meliauskas


Depending on where you are in the world, we’re coming into Cherry Blossom season in a few weeks, which is generally around April in the northern hemisphere, but earlier in warmer climates.

Cherry blossoms are associated strongly with Japan, but the trees grow everywhere.  This astonishing cherry blossom canopy (above) is in Bonn, Germany, for example.  It’s gorgeous.

You can just see a romance story playing out beneath it, can’t you?  The big “i love you” scene, or a first meeting.

Or, because contrast works so well, a horrible murder that kicks off a romantic suspense novel…

I’m just twitching to use this in a book, somewhere!!

While this one:

Redd Angelo

…is from California.

These are the sort of images that, if you saw them in a movie, would have you rolling your eyes at the heavy-handed CGI effects.  If they were in a book, you’d think it was unrealistically romantic.

Yet they’re photos of real places.

They’re stunning, aren’t they?


2 thoughts on “Coming to a scene near you, very soon.”

  1. Ohh the pic from Germany is so gorgeous I’d swear it was fake . He CA is okay as I’m used to the ones in DC; I’d drive by they everytime I went to work.

    1. If there were any cherry trees near us, I’m sure they wouldn’t bloom until May or something. We’re always a month behind everyone else.

      I may have to plant some, I think. They’re just gorgeous!


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