This is the first day I’ve managed to focus long enough to string sentences together. Not sure how long that will last for, so for now, let’s just cut straight to the chase.
Today is the release of Samhain Crossing, a short romance I wrote just for Halloween this year, and I finished it only a few days before the SHTF. I really loved writing this one. It’s quirky and just a little bit different, but still an interesting read.
Since I came home from hospital, I’ve been reading a lot of books… actually, no, I’ve *started* a lot of books, and put them aside, because all I wanted was to read an entertaining story told well. It seems that stories that are simply told are becoming more difficult to find. Or perhaps I’m just looking in the wrong place.
So I thought that, instead, as my energy improves, I’ll write those stories I can’t find. Why not? I’m more or less stuck on this recliner for quite a while. I may as well use the time for one of my most preferred activities in the entire world.
And you reap the benefits, too.
So let’s see how this goes….
They recognize each other across twenty centuries.

On the ancient Celtic feast day of Imbolc, a mysterious, but empty, box is discovered, built into a wall of a first century structure in the ruins of Carn Euny in Britain. Itching for distraction, the dig team drop a note into the box, and the next morning find an answer written in ancient Latin.
Dig director, Doctor Daria Caitini, declares the response a hoax, but when more and more letters arrive on each successive Celtic feast day, Daria finds herself drawn into corresponding with the writer, a first century druid called Cadfan, who is hunted by the Romans, and who recognizes her dedication to her work and her essential loneliness, too….
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