Comment Oskars – April 2011

So now I’ve started up the blog again, you as readers and commentators also get your just desserts.  Oskars for talking to me <grin>.

Apart from the random draw, these are completely arbitrary and meant in fun.  Each winner gets to pick an ecopy book of their choice from my backlist (so Blood Knot is off the table, sorry!).  If you’re a winner, contact me with your choice of book, and congratulations!

Random Comment Winner

Drawn from amongst all the comments over the last month, the winner is Mary Preston, for her comment on Really Cool Historical Vacation Spots: Constantinople.

Adding to the Discussion Award

For her opinion on ereaders, the winner is AneesaG, for her comment on What I’m Reading.

The Feel-Good Award

For making me feed all warm and fuzzy, the winner is Belinda Wolf-Whitaker, for her comment onI’m Back! And Boy Do I Have News!.

Congratulations everyone!