Interesting Settings

Why The Lake Is Pink

I came across a post on Bored Panda recently, and within it, they were raving about Lake Hillier – the pink lake.  The pictures are pretty amazing. I was kinda jazzed, because Lake Hillier is in Western Australia, my home turf. In fact, it’s just off the coast of Esperance, which is along the bottom of […]

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It’s Spring!

The wisteria tunnels of Japan actually look like the perfect place for the I-Love-You scene of just about any romance. The only problem is, I can’t think of how to get the loving couple in such a tunnel in the first place.  It would have to be awfully contrived, because most often, both the hero and

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This is NOT A Science Fiction Scene

It’s the scale of this image that blows my mind.  Those are crystals, the largest in the world. This is not SF.  It’s the Naica mine in Chihuahua, Mexico.  The mine supplies lead, zinc and silver and these gigantic crystals are something the geology has thrown up, a result of hydrothermal fluids emanating from the magma chambers below.  The crystal cavern

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Now out in print!  Super hot Romantic Suspense.

As a rule, I prefer to do a general, normal post in between posts about my books, but lately, there’s just been way too much news to share. So, another announcement, today. Ningaloo Nights is a novella length romantic suspense set in Ningaloo, Western Australia. Generally, only Australians and travellers who have been to parts

Now out in print!  Super hot Romantic Suspense. Read More »

Coming to a scene near you, very soon.

Image credits: Adas Meliauskas   Depending on where you are in the world, we’re coming into Cherry Blossom season in a few weeks, which is generally around April in the northern hemisphere, but earlier in warmer climates. Cherry blossoms are associated strongly with Japan, but the trees grow everywhere.  This astonishing cherry blossom canopy (above)

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Now, THIS is a beach!

Western Australian beaches look nothing like this. The beaches I grew up beside were also full of salt bushes and sandy loam, stunted, windblown shrubs and salt. But they weren’t pretty and manicured–not at all. I only have the one photo here, but you should check out all the other photos you can find in

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