It’s International Chocolate Day!
I have a thing about chocolate. I have such a thing about chocolate that I have written it into my bio which appears inside every book I release.
I am not the only romance writer who has a passion for chocolate.
When the erotic romance publisher, Ellora’s Cave, was still in existence, they held conferences for authors each year. At one of those conferences, the desert after one supper was a chocolate buffet. I was slow to reach the desert table. As a consequence, I completely missed out on even a dollop of chocolate. There was a chocolate fountain, and 15 feet of chocolate desserts of all sorts. By the time I reached the table, they had been cleared out.
While I hesitate to link locusts with romance writers, I think my hint is enough to give you the correct impression. Romance writers love chocolate.
Romance writers are not the only one to love chocolate. There was an entire movie, one of my favourites, Chocolat, that features some of the most divine looking chocolates you’ve ever seen in your life, and a rather divine looking Johnny Depp, too.
And today is International chocolate day!
If you, like me, try to avoid eating chocolate on a regular basis, today is the perfect excuse to indulge yourself.