science fiction

Sturgeon’s Law and What It Means for Romanceland

The “straight” science fiction genre (that is, the genre that has no romance and a dearth of deep characters and interesting relationships — as opposed to Science Fiction Romance, which has the best of both worlds), has had its share of critics and outspoken authors with strong opinions.  Theodore Sturgeon was an outstanding SF writer, […]

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The Immoveable Object and The Irresistible Force

If it can’t be expressed in figures, it is not science; it is opinion. Robert A. Heinlein – The Notebook of Lazarus Long  _________ I’ve had my nose rubbed in science a lot lately, probably because it’s been on my mind. I know you’ve had patterns like that happen to you, too. You’re thinking about

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Pulse Pause Moment – Captain Malcolm Reynolds and Wife.

Given my obsession with Castle and Beckett, it’s probably natural I check out Firefly, and find out how Nathan Fillion does in the Joss Whedon series that boosted him to cult status. Not bad, as it turns out. I’m a huge science fiction fan.  I’m not a western fan at all.  This series is an

Pulse Pause Moment – Captain Malcolm Reynolds and Wife. Read More »

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