
Heritage Day.

Today is a provincial holiday marking the foundation of my adopted country and province, Alberta. If you’re in Alberta, enjoy the day.  I, of course will be celebrating by…writing!  🙂 Cheers, . Take my stories on a test run.  4 full novels free.  Sign up below. [More details here]

Heritage Day. Read More »

Enz of Editions…New Editions, New Covers. News.

Split Enz, the Aussie/Kiwi punk/rock/vaudeville/swing band from the ‘7os and ’80s, released their first compilation album to mark their tenth anniversary, in 1983.  They called it Enz of an Era, thinking it was a fitting tribute to ten good years. Which it was. They had no idea at the time that Split Enz would be

Enz of Editions…New Editions, New Covers. News. Read More »

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