Yesterday’s Legacy

Bad Boys Who Aren’t.

Yesterday’s Legacy was officially released last Thursday and there’s already some great reviews.  One of the trends I’m noticing in the reviews are lots of descriptors for the hero, Jonah: rebel a real bum a rebel, troublemaker, and someone who can’t be trusted, a free thinker slacker doesn’t quite seem to fit into society a […]

Bad Boys Who Aren’t. Read More »

And the SFR Beat Goes On…

It’s very nice to go to the Greyson’s Doom page on Amazon and see over 70 reviews already (it’s only been out a week), and some of the very nice comments about the book.  If you are one of the readers who left a review, thank you! If you enjoyed Greyson’s Doom, then you’ll be

And the SFR Beat Goes On… Read More »

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