How to read books bought from this site.
Books you buy directly from me can be read on any device, anywhere, including:
Android Phones
Windows Phones
Apple devices
Apple Books
Desktop computers
Android Tablets
All eReading software platforms
….and more.
When you purchase a book, you will receive an email from BookFunnel, who will provide a download link for you to download the book.
There are a range of ways you can download the book and install in your eReading device or application. Choose the one that suits your setup.
If you are not certain which one to choose, or if you can’t figure out how to get the book onto your preferred reading device then click the Need Help? link at the top of the download page:
This is all that BookFunnel do: Figure out how you can get your book onto your device, no matter what type of setup you have.
And once you’ve figured it out, you’re good for any other books you want in the future. It makes you independent of any bookstore–you will now be able to acquire books wherever you want. 😉