Tracy Cooper-Posey

Romance, Historical Suspense, Women’s Fiction and More.

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Captain Santiago and the Sky Dome Waitress

A Science Fiction Romance Novel

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Christmans Romance Digest 2024:
Love in Other Worlds

A Portal Fantasy Romance Anthology

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Grace of Lancelot

An Ancient Historical Fantasy Romance Novel


  • The Most Dangerous of All Allied Spies
    When I was first researching what would become the Adelaide Becket series, I stumbled across a fascinating historical figure: Virginia Hall.
  • Meandering Paw Prints Scarf
    This was a guest post, some years back and some of you who toured around guest blogs with me might remember it. I’ve been talking about crafts a bit lately. I think, mostly, because I don’t have time to actually, you know, craft. Although there’s an argument to be made that writing a book is… Read more: Meandering Paw Prints Scarf
  • Why Can’t Hollywood Get Romance Right?
    Have you ever watched a romance movie based on a book you loved only to leave the theater (or your couch) shouting, “What was THAT supposed to be?!” It’s a universal truth: Hollywood struggles to capture the magic of a romance novel. Instead of swooning, we’re rolling our eyes. Instead of rooting for the couple,… Read more: Why Can’t Hollywood Get Romance Right?
  • Things People Do With Old Books
    I keep massive notebooks — electronic ones, inside OneNote. And one of my notebooks is called “Making Things”. It’s a collection of inspiring or instructional pages and images about the things that people have made, that I might make one day when I have oodles of spare time (ha!). And some of it I keep just because the creativity of people boggles my mind. Here’s some of the more interesting art and crafts that people get up to using old books.
  • When Stories Collide with Scandals: Neil Gaiman and the Reader’s Dilemma
    In light of recent allegations against Neil Gaiman, I find myself grappling with the complex relationship between an author’s personal conduct and their creative work.

Also, check out my science fiction and fantasy.

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