My Life/Working Notes – Wednesday, May 29, 2013

humpHappy Hump Day!

From one perspective, May has been a long, hard month.

On the other hand, I’m kinda reluctant to let it go, because I have to let go of my favourite series at the same time, and move on to something else.

I’ve written at length about my withdrawals symptoms over Kiss Across Time in another post, so I won’t add to it here.

But I will say that from a working notes perspective that I have no more excuses and nothing left to cling to.  The only work left to do on the series (for now) is PR and promotion work.

I have to immerse myself in one of my other worlds now.  The next one on the publishing schedule is Romani Armada, the third book in the Beloved Bloody Time series.

While I was busy with Kiss Across Time, the second book in this series, Byzantine Heartbreak, went and got itself voted Best Book of the Year.   That’s just a teeny bit intimidating and a hard act to follow.  I’m trying to ignore everything and anything and really wallow in the new heroes and heroine for this third installment.  The beginning of a new book is always tough, slow going and this time around it’s harder than usual.

I’m telling myself this is very, very good.  One of my most raved-about books, Blood Stone, was an absolute bitch to write.  Every page has my blood on it and I finished the book thinking it totally sucked…until I put it away and forced myself to read it two weeks later, and decided it wasn’t that bad.

I’m hoping this is a pattern.





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