A Halloween Romance giveaway. THREE TAPS, THEN….

I have a short Halloween romance that is a free download, all year round, but as it’s actually Halloween, I’m drawing your attention to it today.

Noah always knocked on Aysel’s door the same way, including the last time he knocked, five hours after his funeral.

A short and sweet Halloween treat.

This is a short story.  You could enjoy a long coffee and the story for dessert.

This story is part of the Short Paranormals collection.
Eva’s Last Dance
Solstice Surrender
Three Taps, Then…*
The Well of Rnomath*

Samhain Crossing

A Short, Sexy Paranormal Romance

To download your copy, head to: http://tracycooperposey.com/three-taps-then/. IF you’re already subscribed to my email list, then you’ll get the usual acknowledgement along with the download link.

Also, a quick reminder that my Samhain story, Samhain Crossing, was also written specifically for Halloween, and released only a few days ago.

They recognize each other across twenty centuries.

On the ancient Celtic feast day of Imbolc, a mysterious, but empty, box is discovered, built into a wall of a first century structure in the ruins of Carn Euny in Britain.  Itching for distraction, the dig team drop a note into the box, and the next morning find an answer written in ancient Latin. Dig director, Doctor Daria Caitini, declares the response a hoax, but when more and more letters arrive on each successive Celtic feast day, Daria finds herself drawn into corresponding with the writer, a first century druid called Cadfan, who is hunted by the Romans, and who recognizes her dedication to her work and her essential loneliness, too….

This story is part of the Short Paranormals collection. Eva’s Last Dance Solstice Surrender Three Taps, Then…* The Well of Rnomath* Samhain Crossing

A Short, Sexy Paranormal Romance

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